
Apollo Diagnostics, News

Apollo diagnostics, Latest News

Apollo Diagnostics launches Xpert Health - A varied range of Wellness Health Packages - Hindi News | Apollo Diagnostics launches Xpert Health - A varied range of Wellness Health Packages | Latest business News at

Business :Apollo Diagnostics launches Xpert Health - A varied range of Wellness Health Packages

New Delhi [India], April 28 (/SRV): Apollo Diagnostics, a prominent healthcare services provider, has recently launched Xpert Health, a ... ...

Apollo Diagnostics opens drive-through RT PCR testing centres in Hyderabad and Pune - Hindi News | Apollo Diagnostics opens drive-through RT PCR testing centres in Hyderabad and Pune | Latest business News at

Business :Apollo Diagnostics opens drive-through RT PCR testing centres in Hyderabad and Pune

The surge in COVID cases has citizens scouting for RT PCR testing centers, however these centers either offer testing at specific timings or being too crowded has inconvenienced those in dire need. ...