
Arctic University Of Norway, News

Arctic university of norway, Latest News

Study suggests cold water swimming may not reap as many health benefits as you'd expect - Hindi News | Study suggests cold water swimming may not reap as many health benefits as you'd expect | Latest health News at

Health :Study suggests cold water swimming may not reap as many health benefits as you'd expect

Taking a dip in cold water may cut 'bad' body fat in men and reduce the risk of disorders such as diabetes, suggests a major scientific review. ...

Parts of Greenland may be on the verge of tipping, suggests new study - Hindi News | Parts of Greenland may be on the verge of tipping, suggests new study | Latest technology News at

Technology :Parts of Greenland may be on the verge of tipping, suggests new study

Scientists at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) have detected new early-warning signs that the central-western part of the Greenland ice sheet has been destabilizing and may now be close to a critical transition. ...

Melting of ice sheets rapidly increase methane in environment, study affirms - Hindi News | Melting of ice sheets rapidly increase methane in environment, study affirms | Latest technology News at

Technology :Melting of ice sheets rapidly increase methane in environment, study affirms

Melting of the Arctic ice sheets caused rapid methane release from the ocean floor during the last two deglaciations, according to a new study led by scientists at The University of Tromso - The Arctic University of Norway. ...