
Astrazeneca Vaxzevria, News

Astrazeneca vaxzevria, Latest News

The Oxford–AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine, codenamed AZD1222, and sold under the brand names Covishield and Vaxzevria among others, is a viral vector vaccine for prevention of COVID-19.
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India decides to impose 'reciprocity,' British nationals arriving from UK required to undergo 10-day quarantine - Hindi News | India decides to impose 'reciprocity,' British nationals arriving from UK required to undergo 10-day quarantine | Latest national News at

National :India decides to impose 'reciprocity,' British nationals arriving from UK required to undergo 10-day quarantine

India has decided to impose reciprocity on British nationals under which UK nationals arriving in the country from Britain will have to undergo mandatory quarantine at home or in the destination address for 10 days after their arrival, sources said. ...

Confusion continues over UK's travel advisory nod to Covishield - Hindi News | Confusion continues over UK's travel advisory nod to Covishield | Latest international News at

International :Confusion continues over UK's travel advisory nod to Covishield

There is still confusion over the United Kingdom's vaccine recognition process for Indian travellers. ...

UK government approves Covishield as approved vaccine in its revised travel advisory - Hindi News | UK government approves Covishield as approved vaccine in its revised travel advisory | Latest international News at

International :UK government approves Covishield as approved vaccine in its revised travel advisory

United Kingdom government on Wednesday in its revised travel advisory said that Covishield is qualified as an approved vaccine. ...