
Athani Raibaug, News

Athani raibaug, Latest News

Sanjay Ghodawat Group celebrates 25th Star Localmart inauguration with promise of providing employment to 25,000 people in retail industry by 2025 - Hindi News | Sanjay Ghodawat Group celebrates 25th Star Localmart inauguration with promise of providing employment to 25,000 people in retail industry by 2025 | Latest business News at

Business :Sanjay Ghodawat Group celebrates 25th Star Localmart inauguration with promise of providing employment to 25,000 people in retail industry by 2025

Proving to be professional, entrepreneurial and commercial disruptors in a short span of time, Star Localmart has lived up to its novel idea of a 21st century retail franchise model by empowering local resources. ...