
Ausrine Armonaite, News

Ausrine armonaite, Latest News

Taiwan's minister announces USD 1bn funds to finance joint projects with Lithuania amid Chinese aggression - Hindi News | Taiwan's minister announces USD 1bn funds to finance joint projects with Lithuania amid Chinese aggression | Latest international News at

International :Taiwan's minister announces USD 1bn funds to finance joint projects with Lithuania amid Chinese aggression

Taiwan and Lithuania will create a USD 1 billion credit program to finance joint ventures against a backdrop of a diplomatic row between Vilnius and Beijing over the former's relation with Taipei, reported Sputnik. ...

Beijing to recall envoy from Lithuania as Taiwan plans to open office there - Hindi News | Beijing to recall envoy from Lithuania as Taiwan plans to open office there | Latest international News at

International :Beijing to recall envoy from Lithuania as Taiwan plans to open office there

China has decided to recall its ambassador from Vilnius after the Lithuanian authorities allowed Taiwan to open a representative office in the country, local media reported on Tuesday. ...