
Balu Gopalakrishnan

Balu gopalakrishnan, Latest News

Contract terms, non-disclosure agreement ensure COVID-19 data security: Kerala govt tells HC on deal with US firm - Hindi News | Contract terms, non-disclosure agreement ensure COVID-19 data security: Kerala govt tells HC on deal with US firm | Latest national News at

National :Contract terms, non-disclosure agreement ensure COVID-19 data security: Kerala govt tells HC on deal with US firm

State government has filed its response in Kerala High Court on a plea challenging its COVID-19 data processing contract with a US-based company and said that the contract terms and non-disclosure agreement (NDA) will ensure data security and privacy ...

Plea in Kerala HC challenges state govt's COVID-19 data processing agreement with US-based company - Hindi News | Plea in Kerala HC challenges state govt's COVID-19 data processing agreement with US-based company | Latest national News at

National :Plea in Kerala HC challenges state govt's COVID-19 data processing agreement with US-based company

A petition has been filed in Kerala High Court challenging the state government's agreement with US-based company Sprinklr for processing of data related to coronavirus patients in the state. ...