
Center For Skeletal Muscle Research, News

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Here's how exercising during pregnancy may save kids from health problems - Hindi News | Here's how exercising during pregnancy may save kids from health problems | Latest lifestyle News at

Lifestyle :Here's how exercising during pregnancy may save kids from health problems

While performing physical exercise is beneficial for all, a recent study has highlighted the benefits of exercising during pregnancy to pregnant women and their offsprings. It says women who perform exercise significantly reduce their children's chan ...

Here's how exercising during pregnancy may save kids from health problems - Hindi News | Here's how exercising during pregnancy may save kids from health problems | Latest lifestyle News at

Lifestyle :Here's how exercising during pregnancy may save kids from health problems

While performing physical exercise is beneficial for all, a recent study has highlighted the benefits of exercising during pregnancy to pregnant women and their offsprings. It says women who perform exercise significantly reduce their children's chan ...

Study: Exercise during pregnancy may save kids from health problems as adults - Hindi News | Study: Exercise during pregnancy may save kids from health problems as adults | Latest health News at

Health :Study: Exercise during pregnancy may save kids from health problems as adults

Exercising during pregnancy may let women significantly reduce their children's chances of developing diabetes and other metabolic diseases later in life, new research suggests. ...