
Computational Physiology Laboratory, News

Computational physiology laboratory, Latest News

Study links multitasking in workplace to negative emotions - Hindi News | Study links multitasking in workplace to negative emotions | Latest lifestyle News at

Lifestyle :Study links multitasking in workplace to negative emotions

Juggling from writing papers to answering calls, tackling all that at once at your workplace is not help, rather, it is likely to create a tense working environment followed by sadness and fear. ...

Study reveals multitasking in the workplace can lead to negative emotions - Hindi News | Study reveals multitasking in the workplace can lead to negative emotions | Latest lifestyle News at

Lifestyle :Study reveals multitasking in the workplace can lead to negative emotions

According to a new study aimed at understanding what shapes the emotional culture of a workplace. Researchers have found that while juggling through multiple tasks -- from writing papers to answering emails and tackling all that at once and the const ...