Crop Management

Crop Management

Crop management, Latest News

DuPont de Nemours, Inc., commonly known as DuPont, is an American company formed by the merger of Dow Chemical and DuPont on August 31, 2017, and then subsequent spinoffs of Dow Inc. and Corteva.
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Expert moots Maha Farmers' Rights Commission to curb agro-crises - Hindi News | Expert moots Maha Farmers' Rights Commission to curb agro-crises | Latest national News at

National :Expert moots Maha Farmers' Rights Commission to curb agro-crises

With farmers suicides unabated in 2019, a farm-panel has mooted the setting of India's first-ever rights commission to address the ongoing crises in the farmlands and make the state "farmers suicide-free within five years", according to a top activis ...