

Daejeon, Latest News

Daejeon is South Korea's fifth-largest metropolis, with a population of 1.5 million as of 2019. Located in the central region of South Korea alongside forested hills and the Geum River, the city is known both for its technology and research institutions, and for celebrating its natural environment, with most mountains, hot springs, and rivers freely open for public use.
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Daejeon O-World, a fantasy world revived with cutting-edge science and technology that pioneered VR for the first time in the Republic of Korea - Hindi News | Daejeon O-World, a fantasy world revived with cutting-edge science and technology that pioneered VR for the first time in the Republic of Korea | Latest business News at

Business :Daejeon O-World, a fantasy world revived with cutting-edge science and technology that pioneered VR for the first time in the Republic of Korea

O-World, a theme park in Daejeon, South Korea, has just built 'Night Universe', which uses cutting-edge digital lighting, and is presenting a science theme park that merges science with Daejeon's urban identity. It is a media art and content theme pa ...