
Debanjan Dev, News

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Fake vax scam: Kolkata Police suspect 'something big' - Hindi News | Fake vax scam: Kolkata Police suspect 'something big' | Latest health News at

Health :Fake vax scam: Kolkata Police suspect 'something big'

Kolkata, June 25 Even 48 hours after more than 2,000 people fell victim to a fake vaccination drive ... ...

'Fake' IAS man held after TMC MP Mimi Chakraborty duped into attending Covid-19 vaccination drive, getting jabbed - Hindi News | 'Fake' IAS man held after TMC MP Mimi Chakraborty duped into attending Covid-19 vaccination drive, getting jabbed | Latest national News at

National :'Fake' IAS man held after TMC MP Mimi Chakraborty duped into attending Covid-19 vaccination drive, getting jabbed

Trinamool Congress MP Mimi Chakraborty on Wednesday claimed to have been duped by a man who posed as an IAS officer and requested the actor-turned-politician to be present at a COVID-19 vaccination drive organised by him in West Bengal's capital city ...