
Debayan Saha, News

Debayan saha, Latest News

AIIMS-IIT alumni duo invents novel technology to kill coronavirus with just water - Hindi News | AIIMS-IIT alumni duo invents novel technology to kill coronavirus with just water | Latest business News at

Business :AIIMS-IIT alumni duo invents novel technology to kill coronavirus with just water

It was the year 2015 when the duo - Dr Shashi Ranjan and Debayan Saha were flying back to India to start their innovation journey at AIIMS, Delhi from Stanford University, the USA after completing their coveted Biodesign innovation fellowship with a ...

IIT, AIIMS alumni invents device to stop coronavirus - Hindi News | IIT, AIIMS alumni invents device to stop coronavirus | Latest national News at

National :IIT, AIIMS alumni invents device to stop coronavirus

(IANS) As a preventive measure against coronavirus, IIT and AIIMS alumni Debayan Saha and Shashi Ranjan have developed a device called 'Airlens Minus Corona' that will travel on streets to sterilise the city. ...