
Dineout, News

Dineout, Latest News

Dineout is a restaurant table reservation service company founded in 2012 by Ankit Mehrotra, Vivek Kapoor, Nikhil Bakshi and Sahil Jain based in New Delhi, India.Since its acquisition by Times Internet Ltd in 2014, Dineout claims to have grown over 200%.
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Deep discount battle to hit customers badly: Dineout CEO - Hindi News | Deep discount battle to hit customers badly: Dineout CEO | Latest national News at

National :Deep discount battle to hit customers badly: Dineout CEO

As the battle between online food aggregators and restaurants turns serious with more than 2,500 restaurants now logged out against the deep discounting practices of online food apps across the country, Dineout is concerned that the feud has led to c ...