
Future Crime Research Foundation, News

Future crime research foundation, Latest News

IIT Kanpur incubates Lucknow-based think tank to build first-of-its-kind search engine for predictive policing, crime mapping - Hindi News | IIT Kanpur incubates Lucknow-based think tank to build first-of-its-kind search engine for predictive policing, crime mapping | Latest national News at

National :IIT Kanpur incubates Lucknow-based think tank to build first-of-its-kind search engine for predictive policing, crime mapping

IIT Kanpur's Artificial Intelligence and Innovation-Driven Entrepreneurship (AIIDE) - Centre of Excellence (CoE) in Noida has incubated Lucknow-based think tank Future Crime Research Foundation (FCRF), which is working to develop first-of-its-kind AI ...