

Ghaani, Latest News

Nazneen Ghaani is an Indian actress probably best known for playing the role of Ragini Juneja in Disney Channel India's sitcom, Kya Mast Hai Life. Nazneen acted as Gauri in The Hangman.
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Hardliner General to replace Soleimani as Quds Force chief - Hindi News | Hardliner General to replace Soleimani as Quds Force chief | Latest international News at

International :Hardliner General to replace Soleimani as Quds Force chief

Esmail Ghaani, a hardline Iranian General, has been appointed by the country's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei as the new chief of the elite Quds Force following the death of its former head Major General Qasem Soleimani, who was killed in a US ...