
Google Fcm, News

Google fcm, Latest News

Migros is Switzerland's largest retail company, its largest supermarket chain and largest employer. It is also one of the forty largest retailers in the world. It is structured in the form of a cooperative federation, with more than two million members.
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EaseMyTrip boosts push notification delivery by 40pc through Netcore's proprietary Smart Push, enhances retention - Hindi News | EaseMyTrip boosts push notification delivery by 40pc through Netcore's proprietary Smart Push, enhances retention | Latest business News at

Business :EaseMyTrip boosts push notification delivery by 40pc through Netcore's proprietary Smart Push, enhances retention

EaseMyTrip, India's leading travel, and ticketing portal saw a 40 per cent uptick in its push notification delivery, resulting in heightened engagement with its customer base. ...