

Huaihua, Latest News

Huaihua is a prefecture-level city in the southwest of Hunan province, China. It covers 27,564 km² and is bordered by Xiangxi to the northwest, Zhangjiajie and Changde to the north, Yiyang, Loudi and Shaoyang to the east, Guilin and Liuzhou of Guangxi to the south, and Qiandongnan and Tongren of Guizhou to the southwest.
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2 killed, 4 missing after landslides in China - Hindi News | 2 killed, 4 missing after landslides in China | Latest international News at

International :2 killed, 4 missing after landslides in China

Beijing, June 2 Two people were killed and four remain missing after heavy rain triggered two landslides on ... ...