
Inpe, News

Inpe, Latest News

The National Institute for Space Research is a research unit of the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, whose main goals are fostering scientific research and technological applications and qualifying personnel in the fields of space and atmospheric sciences, space engineering, and space technology.
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Amazon deforestation down by a third in 2023: Brazil - Hindi News | Amazon deforestation down by a third in 2023: Brazil | Latest international News at

International :Amazon deforestation down by a third in 2023: Brazil

Brasilia, July 7 The Brazilian government has claimed that deforestation in the Amazon rainforest has decreased by ... ...

Brazil to launch its first domestically designed observation satellite - Hindi News | Brazil to launch its first domestically designed observation satellite | Latest international News at

International :Brazil to launch its first domestically designed observation satellite

Brazil is finalizing the details to launch the first Earth observation satellite designed, integrated, tested and operated by the country, said the National Institute of Space Research (INPE) on Wednesday. ...

Amazon deforestation hits highest level in 5 years - Hindi News | Amazon deforestation hits highest level in 5 years | Latest international News at

International :Amazon deforestation hits highest level in 5 years

The Brazilian government said that the Amazon rainforest witnessed deforestation of a record 829 sq km in May, the ... ...

Deforestation in Brazil's Amazon rose sharply last month - Hindi News | Deforestation in Brazil's Amazon rose sharply last month | Latest international News at

International :Deforestation in Brazil's Amazon rose sharply last month

Deforestation in Brazil's Amazon rainforest rose sharply last month as the country prepared to send troops to try to ... ...

Deforestation of Amazon grew by 222% in August - Hindi News | Deforestation of Amazon grew by 222% in August | Latest international News at

International :Deforestation of Amazon grew by 222% in August

The Brazilian Amazon lost 1,698 of its vegetation cover in August, an area 222 per cent higher than the deforestation recorded in the same month last year, according to official data. ...

Brazil bars Amazon land-clearing fires for 60 days - Hindi News | Brazil bars Amazon land-clearing fires for 60 days | Latest international News at

International :Brazil bars Amazon land-clearing fires for 60 days

Brazil's government published a decree that prohibits for 60 days the use of fire to clear land for crops and cattle grazing in the Amazon region, which is suffering its worst blazes in recent years. ...

Amazon fires: Protests against Bolsonaro in Brazil - Hindi News | Amazon fires: Protests against Bolsonaro in Brazil | Latest international News at

International :Amazon fires: Protests against Bolsonaro in Brazil

Tens of thousands of people took to the streets across Brazil where they chanted "Burn Bolsonaro and not the Amazon", in protest against President Jair Bolsonaro's inaction in the face of massive wildfires that were devastating the world's largest tr ...