
Jack Klumpp, News

Jack klumpp, Latest News

China Matters' Feature: Mastering the Mantis Boxing in East China's Yantai - Hindi News | China Matters' Feature: Mastering the Mantis Boxing in East China's Yantai | Latest business News at

Business :China Matters' Feature: Mastering the Mantis Boxing in East China's Yantai

From the Wing Chun style seen in IP Man to the Shaolin Temple style practiced by the monks at Shaolin Temple on Songshan Mountain, Chinese kung fu encompasses a vast number of different schools and styles. ...

China Matters' Feature: How is Ningbo Redefining Fashion? - Hindi News | China Matters' Feature: How is Ningbo Redefining Fashion? | Latest business News at

Business :China Matters' Feature: How is Ningbo Redefining Fashion?

Finding ourselves surrounded by an ever-growing number of advertisements for designer brands and expensive handbags, we are often asking the question: "What is fashion, anyways?" Ningbo in China has found different answers by redesigning the city ne ...