
Janet Cade

Janet cade, Latest News

Increasing protein intake reduces risk of suffering hip fractures - Hindi News | Increasing protein intake reduces risk of suffering hip fractures | Latest health News at

Health :Increasing protein intake reduces risk of suffering hip fractures

According to a recent study, boosting protein intake and regularly consuming tea or coffee can lower the incidence of ... ...

Research claims women can reduce risk of suffering hip fractures by increasing intake of protein - Hindi News | Research claims women can reduce risk of suffering hip fractures by increasing intake of protein | Latest health News at

Health :Research claims women can reduce risk of suffering hip fractures by increasing intake of protein

A new research claims that increasing intake of protein and drinking regular cups of tea or coffee can help ... ...

Research reveals how women can reduce risk of hip fracture - Hindi News | Research reveals how women can reduce risk of hip fracture | Latest health News at

Health :Research reveals how women can reduce risk of hip fracture

Increasing their intake of protein and drinking regular cups of tea or coffee is a way women could reduce ... ...

Study: Vegetarian women are at higher risk of hip fracture than habitual meat eaters - Hindi News | Study: Vegetarian women are at higher risk of hip fracture than habitual meat eaters | Latest lifestyle News at

Lifestyle :Study: Vegetarian women are at higher risk of hip fracture than habitual meat eaters

According to research of over 26,000 middle-aged UK women, vegetarians have a 33% higher risk of hip fracture than habitual meat eaters. ...

Eatiing processed meat can increase risk of dementia, suggests study - Hindi News | Eatiing processed meat can increase risk of dementia, suggests study | Latest lifestyle News at

Lifestyle :Eatiing processed meat can increase risk of dementia, suggests study

The findings of a new study suggests that the intake of processed meat, such as bacon may dramatically increase the risk of getting dementia. ...

Study links eating processed meat to increased dementia risk - Hindi News | Study links eating processed meat to increased dementia risk | Latest health News at

Health :Study links eating processed meat to increased dementia risk

You may want to cut down on the intake of processed meat such as bacon which could dramatically increase the risk of getting dementia. A new study found that eating just one rasher of bacon a day could increase your chances of developing the disease ...