
Jk Singha, News

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DocsCampus by HealWell24 launched by Actress Gul Panag in presence of eminent doctors - Hindi News | DocsCampus by HealWell24 launched by Actress Gul Panag in presence of eminent doctors | Latest business News at

Business :DocsCampus by HealWell24 launched by Actress Gul Panag in presence of eminent doctors

The COVID-19 second wave has revealed the glaring gaps in our healthcare system and very crucial is that the Indian healthcare system is socially automated, in order for each member of the society to have fair access to healthcare resources and consu ...

With DocsCampus, HealWell24 looking to bridge gaps in healthcare sector in India - Hindi News | With DocsCampus, HealWell24 looking to bridge gaps in healthcare sector in India | Latest business News at

Business :With DocsCampus, HealWell24 looking to bridge gaps in healthcare sector in India

COVID-19 pandemic revealed the gaps in the existing healthcare structure and showed that the Indian healthcare system is too weak. ...