

Kang, Latest News

The Kangxi Emperor, personal name Xuanye, was the third Emperor of the Qing dynasty, and the second Qing emperor to rule over China proper, reigned from 1661 to 1722.
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Research is a necessity, not a luxury: Biologist Gagandeep Kang - Hindi News | Research is a necessity, not a luxury: Biologist Gagandeep Kang | Latest national News at

National :Research is a necessity, not a luxury: Biologist Gagandeep Kang

It was her love for experiments and for finding different ways to answer questions that led Gagandeep Kang to the field of medical research. She is now the Director of Translational Health Science and Technology Institute in Faridabad and her dedicat ...

4 things that will damage Huawei if no US respite - Hindi News | 4 things that will damage Huawei if no US respite | Latest national News at

National :4 things that will damage Huawei if no US respite

Although the US ban on Huawei is on expected lines, the Chinese tech giant is set to bleed profusely if four things go out of order, global market research firm Counterpoint Research said on Tuesday. ...