

Modicare, Latest News

Modicare Limited celebrates the success of over 1500 consultants at the Grand Event 'Jashn-e-Azadi with Samir Kumaar Modi' in Ahmedabad - Hindi News | Modicare Limited celebrates the success of over 1500 consultants at the Grand Event 'Jashn-e-Azadi with Samir Kumaar Modi' in Ahmedabad | Latest business News at

Business :Modicare Limited celebrates the success of over 1500 consultants at the Grand Event 'Jashn-e-Azadi with Samir Kumaar Modi' in Ahmedabad

Modicare Limited, one of India's leading direct-selling companies celebrated the success of its consultants at the marquee event 'Jashn-e-Azadi with Samir Kumaar Modi' held in Ahmedabad. The event was a great success and was attended by more than 150 ...

Samir Modi extends a helping hand to the underprivileged during COVID-19 - Hindi News | Samir Modi extends a helping hand to the underprivileged during COVID-19 | Latest business News at

Business :Samir Modi extends a helping hand to the underprivileged during COVID-19

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Modi Enterprises has taken an initiative to give back to the society by providing over 35,000 dry food relief packages to the migrants and daily wage workers. ...