Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

`monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society

`monthly notices of the royal astronomical society, Latest News

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society is a peer-reviewed scientific journal covering research in astronomy and astrophysics.
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Stars will eventually stop contributing metals: Study - Hindi News | Stars will eventually stop contributing metals: Study | Latest technology News at

Technology :Stars will eventually stop contributing metals: Study

Two new recent papers have shed light on how the youngest generation of stars will eventually stop contributing metals back to the universe. ...

Study finds Oort Cloud may be home to more interstellar objects - Hindi News | Study finds Oort Cloud may be home to more interstellar objects | Latest technology News at

Technology :Study finds Oort Cloud may be home to more interstellar objects

In a new study, astronomers have calculated that in the Oort Cloud -- a shell of debris in the farthest reaches of our solar system -- interstellar objects outnumber objects belonging to our solar system. ...

Ultra-bright X-ray source awakens near a galaxy not so far away - Hindi News | Ultra-bright X-ray source awakens near a galaxy not so far away | Latest technology News at

Technology :Ultra-bright X-ray source awakens near a galaxy not so far away

A new ultra-bright source of X-rays has awakened in between our galactic neighbours the Magellanic Clouds, after a 26-year slumber. This is the second-closest such object known to date, with a brightness greater than a million Suns. ...

South African, US astronomers use MeerKAT to solve mystery of 'X-Galaxies' - Hindi News | South African, US astronomers use MeerKAT to solve mystery of 'X-Galaxies' | Latest technology News at

Technology :South African, US astronomers use MeerKAT to solve mystery of 'X-Galaxies'

A team of astronomers from South Africa and the US has used the MeerKAT telescope to solve a longstanding puzzle in 'X'-shaped radio galaxies.Computers combined the data from these antennas into a telescope 8 km in diameter and provided images in the ...

Interstellar asteroids found hiding in plain sight - Hindi News | Interstellar asteroids found hiding in plain sight | Latest technology News at

Technology :Interstellar asteroids found hiding in plain sight

A new study has identified the first known permanent population of asteroids originating from outside our Solar System. The objects are believed to have been captured from other stars billions of years ago and have been orbiting our Sun in disguise e ...