
Msme Digital Lender

Msme digital lender, Latest News

Fintech lender HAPPY bootstraps its way to facilitate wealth creation of INR 1800 crores for the 'Credit Invisible' Micro-MSMEs in India - Hindi News | Fintech lender HAPPY bootstraps its way to facilitate wealth creation of INR 1800 crores for the 'Credit Invisible' Micro-MSMEs in India | Latest business News at

Business :Fintech lender HAPPY bootstraps its way to facilitate wealth creation of INR 1800 crores for the 'Credit Invisible' Micro-MSMEs in India

HAPPY, the MSME Digital Lender, established in 2017 by industry veteran and serial entrepreneur Manish Khera, announced today that it has so far catalysed huge wealth creation of more than INR 1,800 crores for its 3.5 lakh unique customers in India b ...