
Ndf, News

Ndf, Latest News

The National Defence Forces is a pro-government militia, formed after summer 2012 and organized by the Syrian government during the Syrian Civil War as a part-time volunteer reserve component of the Syrian Armed Forces.
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Nationalism dominates SL prez poll campaign: Analysts - Hindi News | Nationalism dominates SL prez poll campaign: Analysts | Latest international News at

International :Nationalism dominates SL prez poll campaign: Analysts

Ahead of the Noverber 16 presidential election in Sri Lanka, hopefuls were making a strong national security pitch to woo voters in a polarized campaign focused on the April 21 Easter Sunday suicide bombings that claimed 260 lives, according to polit ...

IPS welcomes changes in PM's Scholarship Scheme by Modi government - Hindi News | IPS welcomes changes in PM's Scholarship Scheme by Modi government | Latest national News at

National :IPS welcomes changes in PM's Scholarship Scheme by Modi government

Indian Police Service (IPS) Association on Saturday welcomed the Narendra Modi government's decision to enhance Prime Minister's Scholarship Scheme given under the National Defence Fund (NDF). ...