
Paula Gonzalez Ericsson, News

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Biomarker for breast cancer response to immunotherapy identified - Hindi News | Biomarker for breast cancer response to immunotherapy identified | Latest technology News at

Technology :Biomarker for breast cancer response to immunotherapy identified

According to a new study led by Vanderbilt University Medical Center, a biomarker that has proven to be a predictor for response to immunotherapies in melanoma patients also has clinical relevance for breast cancer patients. ...

Study identifies biomarker for breast cancer response to immunotherapy - Hindi News | Study identifies biomarker for breast cancer response to immunotherapy | Latest health News at

Health :Study identifies biomarker for breast cancer response to immunotherapy

A biomarker that has proven to be a predictor for response to immunotherapies in melanoma patients also has clinical relevance for breast cancer patients, according to a new study led by Vanderbilt University Medical Center. ...