Pooja Bajaj

Pooja Bajaj, News

Pooja bajaj, Latest News

Bracing for the safer tomorrow: The Galleria Mall in Bengaluru is benchmarking how retail store businesses can grow in post lockdown era - Hindi News | Bracing for the safer tomorrow: The Galleria Mall in Bengaluru is benchmarking how retail store businesses can grow in post lockdown era | Latest business News at

Business :Bracing for the safer tomorrow: The Galleria Mall in Bengaluru is benchmarking how retail store businesses can grow in post lockdown era

As the Silicon Valley of India resumes to normalcy post the lockdown era, malls are now ready to open their door for public to relive the old shopping experience. ...

Manipal Hospitals recognise true champion this Republic Day - Hindi News | Manipal Hospitals recognise true champion this Republic Day | Latest business News at

Business :Manipal Hospitals recognise true champion this Republic Day

Surgery does not stop the strong-willed in pursuing their passion. This Republic Day, Manipal Hospitals honour Bengaluru-based Pooja Bajaj, a self-driven, ardent motorcyclist and entrepreneur who underwent a devastating surgery in Manipal Hospitals, ...