
Priyanka Tebriwal, News

Priyanka tebriwal, Latest News

We have to fight administration, police, mafias and money power in Bhabanipur bypoll: Suvendu Adhikari - Hindi News | We have to fight administration, police, mafias and money power in Bhabanipur bypoll: Suvendu Adhikari | Latest national News at

National :We have to fight administration, police, mafias and money power in Bhabanipur bypoll: Suvendu Adhikari

Ahead of Bhabanipur Assembly bypoll, Leader of Opposition in West Bengal Suvendu Adhikari on Sunday said that the BJP has to fight the administration, police, mafias and money power in the elections. ...

West Bengal: BJP's Priyanka Tibrewal to file nomination for Bhabanipur bypolls tomorrow - Hindi News | West Bengal: BJP's Priyanka Tibrewal to file nomination for Bhabanipur bypolls tomorrow | Latest national News at

National :West Bengal: BJP's Priyanka Tibrewal to file nomination for Bhabanipur bypolls tomorrow

Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) candidate Priyanka Tebriwal will file her nomination papers for the byelection to the Bhabanipur seat on Monday against West Bengal Chief Minister and Trinamool Congress Supremo Mamata Banerjee. ...