
Ramagundam, News

Ramagundam, Latest News

Ramagundam is a municipal corporation and city in the Peddapalli district of the Indian state of Telangana. It is the most populous city in the district and falls under the Peddapalli revenue division. It is located on the banks of the Godavari river.
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Telangana CM directs officials to develop tourism spots around Kaleswaram project - Hindi News | Telangana CM directs officials to develop tourism spots around Kaleswaram project | Latest national News at

National :Telangana CM directs officials to develop tourism spots around Kaleswaram project

Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao has instructed the officials to take advantage of the barrages and reservoirs constructed as part of the Kaleswaram project and develop tourist spots around the region. ...

Telangana seeks 2,000 MW power from NTPC - Hindi News | Telangana seeks 2,000 MW power from NTPC | Latest national News at

National :Telangana seeks 2,000 MW power from NTPC

Telangana Chief Minister K. Chandrashekhar Rao on Saturday sought 2,000 MW electricity for his state to meet the growing power demand. ...