
Ramandeep Kaur

Ramandeep kaur, Latest News

Border dispute: Mizoram civilians threatening us, says Assam Minister - Hindi News | Border dispute: Mizoram civilians threatening us, says Assam Minister | Latest national News at

National :Border dispute: Mizoram civilians threatening us, says Assam Minister

Amidst the ongoing border tensions between Assam and Mizoram, Assam Minister Ashok Singhal on Thursday claimed that Mizoram civilians are threatening the people of Assam. ...

Nurses at AIIMS Trauma Centre take pride in serving society during crisis, give psychological support to COVID-19 patients - Hindi News | Nurses at AIIMS Trauma Centre take pride in serving society during crisis, give psychological support to COVID-19 patients | Latest national News at

National :Nurses at AIIMS Trauma Centre take pride in serving society during crisis, give psychological support to COVID-19 patients

It is not only medical care that the give to COVID-19 patients, sometimes they also need to provide them psychological support. The female frontline workers posted at AIIMS Trauma Centre say that they try to keep the patients motivated towards their ...