
Ramkumar, News

Ramkumar, Latest News

Ramkumar is an Indian film actor and producer working in Kannada films, who made his debut in Peraala's 1990 action film Aavesha. The same year, he played a brief role in Rajendra Singh Babu's war film Muthina Haara. He turned producer for the film Pandavaru, in which he acted as well.
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BCCI Jt Secy elect feels the heat as ex-ombudsman cries foul - Hindi News | BCCI Jt Secy elect feels the heat as ex-ombudsman cries foul | Latest cricket News at

Cricket :BCCI Jt Secy elect feels the heat as ex-ombudsman cries foul

BCCI Joint Secretary elect Jayesh George, who is also the President of the Kerala Cricket Association (KCA), has run into fresh trouble after the 'ousted' ombudsman of KCA, Justice (retd) Ramkumar, on Friday filed an affidavit in the Kerala High Cour ...