
Rob Lodewick, News

Rob lodewick, Latest News

US abandoned over USD 7 bn military equipment in Afghanistan - Hindi News | US abandoned over USD 7 bn military equipment in Afghanistan | Latest international News at

International :US abandoned over USD 7 bn military equipment in Afghanistan

American troops left behind USD 7.12 billion worth of military hardware in Afghanistan after they pulled out from the war-ravaged country, in August last year, the US Department of Defense said. ...

Outsourcing to contractors made Afghanistan war a business, says report - Hindi News | Outsourcing to contractors made Afghanistan war a business, says report | Latest international News at

International :Outsourcing to contractors made Afghanistan war a business, says report

The money from the US government for the Afghan war ensured billions of dollars for military contractors which provided the impetus to the US defeat in Afghanistan as the conflict became a business. ...