Roxana Mehran

Roxana Mehran, News

Roxana mehran, Latest News

MedAlliance leads US Sirolimus DEB race: First US Patient enrolled into SELUTION SLR Coronary Sirolimus DEB Study - Hindi News | MedAlliance leads US Sirolimus DEB race: First US Patient enrolled into SELUTION SLR Coronary Sirolimus DEB Study | Latest business News at

Business :MedAlliance leads US Sirolimus DEB race: First US Patient enrolled into SELUTION SLR Coronary Sirolimus DEB Study

The first US patient has been enrolled at MedStar Washington Hospital Center in the SELUTION4ISR study evaluating SELUTION SLR™ to support FDA approval. This milestone follows Investigational Device Exemption (IDE) approval in the US in October 2022. ...

Cardiologist leads commission to help reduce burden of women's heart disease - Hindi News | Cardiologist leads commission to help reduce burden of women's heart disease | Latest health News at

Health :Cardiologist leads commission to help reduce burden of women's heart disease

A unique commission that issued major new recommendations aimed at fully understanding and reducing the global burden of heart disease in women was led by Roxana Mehran, MD, Professor of Medicine, and Population Health Science and Policy, and Directo ...