
Sachin Sequeira, News

Sachin sequeira, Latest News

Barge accident: Maharashtra Governor felicitates Naval commanding officers for rescue operations during 'Tauktae' - Hindi News | Barge accident: Maharashtra Governor felicitates Naval commanding officers for rescue operations during 'Tauktae' | Latest maharashtra News at

Maharashtra :Barge accident: Maharashtra Governor felicitates Naval commanding officers for rescue operations during 'Tauktae'

Maharashtra Governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari on Tuesday felicitated the Commanding Officers of INS Kochi and INS Kolkata being instrumental in saving the lives of hundreds of employees during the accident caused to barge P305 off Bombay High by cyclone ...

Cyclone Tauktae: INS Kochi arrives in Mumbai with rescuees from Barge P305 - Hindi News | Cyclone Tauktae: INS Kochi arrives in Mumbai with rescuees from Barge P305 | Latest national News at

National :Cyclone Tauktae: INS Kochi arrives in Mumbai with rescuees from Barge P305

The Indian Navy Ship Kochi on Wednesday arrived in Mumbai along with the rescued personnel from Barge P305 which sank 35 nautical miles from Mumbai due to cyclonic storm Tauktae. ...