
Sanjay Barde, News

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Store EVMs away from mobile towers to prevent rigging: NCP - Hindi News | Store EVMs away from mobile towers to prevent rigging: NCP | Latest politics News at

Politics :Store EVMs away from mobile towers to prevent rigging: NCP

Panaji, Oct 5 Votes, once polled in the upcoming assembly elections in Goa should be stored in a ... ...

Mopa Airport should be named after Goa's first CM Bhausaheb Bandodkar: Shiv Sena - Hindi News | Mopa Airport should be named after Goa's first CM Bhausaheb Bandodkar: Shiv Sena | Latest politics News at

Politics :Mopa Airport should be named after Goa's first CM Bhausaheb Bandodkar: Shiv Sena

Shiv Sena demanded that Mopa Airport in Goa should be named after the first Chief Minister of the state Bhausaheb Dayanand Bandodkar. ...