

Satyakam, Latest News

Satyakam Mohkamsing is a musician who plays Indian classical violin. He was born in New Delhi in 1987. Resident in the Netherlands, he took his Bachelor's and Master's degrees at the Rotterdam music academy Codarts.
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Mukherjee Nagar incident: Joint departmental inquiry initiated against officers, Delhi Police tells HC - Hindi News | Mukherjee Nagar incident: Joint departmental inquiry initiated against officers, Delhi Police tells HC | Latest national News at

National :Mukherjee Nagar incident: Joint departmental inquiry initiated against officers, Delhi Police tells HC

Police on Tuesday told the Delhi High Court that it has initiated a joint departmental inquiry against cops in the Mukherjee Nagar incident, where police allegedly assaulted an autorickshaw driver and his minor son on the roads of the city last month ...