
Sayed Baqir Mohsini

Sayed baqir mohsini, Latest News

Female comedian missing for nearly a month in Kabul - Hindi News | Female comedian missing for nearly a month in Kabul | Latest international News at

International :Female comedian missing for nearly a month in Kabul

Kabul, March 7 Nadima, an Afghan female comedian, have been reportedly missing from Kabul since 25 days ago, ... ...

Another Afghan university professor goes missing who criticized Taliban - Hindi News | Another Afghan university professor goes missing who criticized Taliban | Latest international News at

International :Another Afghan university professor goes missing who criticized Taliban

An Afghan university professor and political analyst, Sayed Baqir Mohsini who had criticized the Taliban has gone missing since Friday afternoon. ...

Doctors protest in Afghanistan, demand disbursal of full salaries - Hindi News | Doctors protest in Afghanistan, demand disbursal of full salaries | Latest international News at

International :Doctors protest in Afghanistan, demand disbursal of full salaries

Doctors and employees of a COVID hospital in the Sar-e-pul province in Afghanistan staged protests over non-payment of their full salaries. ...