

Sreedharan, Latest News

Elattuvalapil Sreedharan is an Indian civil engineer and a retired IRSE officer popularly known as the "Metro Man". He is credited for changing the face of public transport in India with his leadership in building the Konkan Railway and the Delhi Metro while he served as the managing director of Delhi Metro between 1995 and 2012.
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Sreedharan calls free ridership election gimmick; AAP says BJP using him - Hindi News | Sreedharan calls free ridership election gimmick; AAP says BJP using him | Latest national News at

National :Sreedharan calls free ridership election gimmick; AAP says BJP using him

Days after writing to the Prime Minister, former Managing Director of the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) E. Sreedharan wrote to Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia against the free ridership scheme of the AAP government, terming it as an ...

Sreedharan writes to Modi asking to reject Kejriwal's free metro rides for women - Hindi News | Sreedharan writes to Modi asking to reject Kejriwal's free metro rides for women | Latest national News at

National :Sreedharan writes to Modi asking to reject Kejriwal's free metro rides for women

Former Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) Chairman E Sreedharan has written a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi requesting him not to agree to the Delhi government's proposal of free rides for women in the Metro. ...