
Srinivasan, News

Srinivasan, Latest News

Srinivasan is an Indian actor who has worked in the Tamil film industry .Beginning his career as a medical practitioner, he moved into finance before embarking on making films starring himself. He then appeared in N.
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Gallantry medal winner volunteers to hang Nirbhaya killers - Hindi News | Gallantry medal winner volunteers to hang Nirbhaya killers | Latest national News at

National :Gallantry medal winner volunteers to hang Nirbhaya killers

Forty-two year old Tamil police Head Constable S. Subash Srinivasan, a police gallantry medal winner and grandson of INA veteran, has volunteered to hang the killers of Nirbhaya in Tihar Jail. ...

Chennai hotels in a soup due to water crisis - Hindi News | Chennai hotels in a soup due to water crisis | Latest national News at

National :Chennai hotels in a soup due to water crisis

Facing severe water shortage and high vegetable prices, restaurants/hotels serving South Indian meals are mulling ways to tackle the situation, including stopping lunch meals, said an official of a hotel association. ...

Swashbuckling cricketer Yuvraj Singh announces retirement - Hindi News | Swashbuckling cricketer Yuvraj Singh announces retirement | Latest cricket News at

Cricket :Swashbuckling cricketer Yuvraj Singh announces retirement

India's hero during the 2011 World Cup, Yuvraj Singh, announced retirement from all forms of cricket on Monday after spending 25 years in and around the 22 yards and almost 17 years of international experience. ...