
State Administration Of Radio, News

State administration of radio, Latest News

China manipulates public perception through films and propaganda - Hindi News | China manipulates public perception through films and propaganda | Latest international News at

International :China manipulates public perception through films and propaganda

China is using films, documentaries and propaganda to distort historical facts and manage public perception. ...

China manipulates public perception through films and propaganda - Hindi News | China manipulates public perception through films and propaganda | Latest international News at

International :China manipulates public perception through films and propaganda

China is using films, documentaries and propaganda to distort historical facts and manage public perception. ...

Beijing pushes famous TV channels to air content lauding Xi Jinping - Hindi News | Beijing pushes famous TV channels to air content lauding Xi Jinping | Latest international News at

International :Beijing pushes famous TV channels to air content lauding Xi Jinping

Chinese authorities are pushing some of the most popular satellite TV channels in the county to air more content that lauds the 'achievements' of the ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP) under President Xi Jinping. ...