
Strategic Research Institute, News

Strategic research institute, Latest News

China today thinks it's safer to be feared than to be loved: French study - Hindi News | China today thinks it's safer to be feared than to be loved: French study | Latest international News at

International :China today thinks it's safer to be feared than to be loved: French study

A fresh report by a France-based research body has described how "Machiavellian" China has built a tentacular network to exert its influence worldwide, a media report said. ...

China today thinks it's safer to be feared than to be loved: French study - Hindi News | China today thinks it's safer to be feared than to be loved: French study | Latest international News at

International :China today thinks it's safer to be feared than to be loved: French study

A fresh report by a France-based research body has described how "Machiavellian" China has built a tentacular network to exert its influence worldwide, a media report said. ...

'China using all existing media to impose its narrative' - Hindi News | 'China using all existing media to impose its narrative' | Latest international News at

International :'China using all existing media to impose its narrative'

China is using all existing media to shape and impose a narrative serving its interests and to dissuade or even terrorise enemy forces, said Olivier Poujade, founder of East Africa Gate, a consulting firm. ...