
Sung Han

Sung han, Latest News

Study reveals how brain gathers threat cues, turns them into fear - Hindi News | Study reveals how brain gathers threat cues, turns them into fear | Latest health News at

Health :Study reveals how brain gathers threat cues, turns them into fear

Scientists at the Salk Institute have discovered a biochemical route that combines hazardous sights, sounds, and odours into a single message: Be afraid. CGRP is a protein that allows neurons in two different parts of the brain to combine hazardous s ...

Researchers identify neurons involved in overdose deaths - Hindi News | Researchers identify neurons involved in overdose deaths | Latest health News at

Health :Researchers identify neurons involved in overdose deaths

A new study has identified a group of neurons in the brainstem that plays a key role in the process of opioid overdose deaths caused by disrupted breathing. ...