
Suvi Rovio, News

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Childhood exposure to parental smoking linked to poorer cognitive function in midlife - Hindi News | Childhood exposure to parental smoking linked to poorer cognitive function in midlife | Latest lifestyle News at

Lifestyle :Childhood exposure to parental smoking linked to poorer cognitive function in midlife

In a recent study, researchers have found the harmful effects of exposure to parental smoking in childhood, or second-hand smoking exposure may carry over to midlife learning ability and memory function in an individual. ...

Study reveals childhood exposure to parental smoking linked to poorer cognitive function in midlife - Hindi News | Study reveals childhood exposure to parental smoking linked to poorer cognitive function in midlife | Latest lifestyle News at

Lifestyle :Study reveals childhood exposure to parental smoking linked to poorer cognitive function in midlife

Exposure to parental smoking in childhood and adolescence is associated with poorer learning ability and memory in midlife, suggests a Finnish study. ...