
Swami Avdheshanand, News

Swami avdheshanand, Latest News

Stop politicising Kumbh, traditions being tarnished in 'well-planned manner': Juna Akhara's Swami Avdheshanand - Hindi News | Stop politicising Kumbh, traditions being tarnished in 'well-planned manner': Juna Akhara's Swami Avdheshanand | Latest national News at

National :Stop politicising Kumbh, traditions being tarnished in 'well-planned manner': Juna Akhara's Swami Avdheshanand

A day after BJP accused the Congress of designing a toolkit to malign Kumbh as "super spreader" COVID-19 event, Acharya Mahamandaleshwar of Juna Akhara Swami Avdheshanand Giri Maharaj urged people not to politicise the religious event. ...

COVID-19: Telangana health dept asks Kumbh returnees to isolate for 14 days - Hindi News | COVID-19: Telangana health dept asks Kumbh returnees to isolate for 14 days | Latest national News at

National :COVID-19: Telangana health dept asks Kumbh returnees to isolate for 14 days

Amid the rise in Covid-19 cases in Telangana, the state health department has urged people returning from the Kumbh Mela in Uttarakhand to isolate for 14 days. ...

COVI-19: Telangana health dept asks Kumbh returnees to isolate for 14 days - Hindi News | COVI-19: Telangana health dept asks Kumbh returnees to isolate for 14 days | Latest national News at

National :COVI-19: Telangana health dept asks Kumbh returnees to isolate for 14 days

Amid the rise in Covid-19 cases in Telangana, the state Health Department has urged people returning from the Kumbh Mela in Uttarakhand to isolate for 14 days. ...