The University Of Alberta

The University Of Alberta, News

The university of alberta, Latest News

The Alberta University of the Arts, formerly known as Alberta College of Art + Design and as the Alberta College of Art, is a publicly funded Canadian degree-granting art and design university located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
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Study reveals maintaining lost weight more important than losing more - Hindi News | Study reveals maintaining lost weight more important than losing more | Latest lifestyle News at

Lifestyle :Study reveals maintaining lost weight more important than losing more

A professor having expertise in medicine advocated the need for maintaining the weight of a person who has shed kilos instead of losing more. ...

Placenta changes in older moms not good for male child's heart - Hindi News | Placenta changes in older moms not good for male child's heart | Latest health News at

Health :Placenta changes in older moms not good for male child's heart

Changes occur in the placenta in mothers over age 35 leading to a greater likelihood of poor health in their male offspring and now, scientists have found in animal studies that placenta changes could put male child of older mothers at heart problems ...