
Viswajit Rane, News

Viswajit rane, Latest News

Congress files complaint against Goa CM, health minister over COVID-related deaths - Hindi News | Congress files complaint against Goa CM, health minister over COVID-related deaths | Latest national News at

National :Congress files complaint against Goa CM, health minister over COVID-related deaths

The Congress on Monday filed a police complaint against Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant and Health Minister Viswajit Rane, claiming that their "sheer incompetence, mismanagement and criminal negligence" led to the "deaths of hundreds of COVID patien ...

Goa Congress to file criminal case against CM and Health Minister over deaths due to shortage of oxygen - Hindi News | Goa Congress to file criminal case against CM and Health Minister over deaths due to shortage of oxygen | Latest national News at

National :Goa Congress to file criminal case against CM and Health Minister over deaths due to shortage of oxygen

Following the deaths of patients at Goa Medical College & Hospital due to lack of oxygen during the past two weeks, Goa Congress president Girish Chodankar said the Congress would file a criminal complaint against Chief Minister Dr Pramod Sawant and ...