
Zelensky, News

Zelensky, Latest News

Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelensky is a Ukrainian actor, screenwriter, comedian, director and politician serving as the 6th President of Ukraine since May 2019. He was inaugurated as President on 20 May.
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Pompeo, Zelensky meet amid Trump impeachment trial - Hindi News | Pompeo, Zelensky meet amid Trump impeachment trial | Latest international News at

International :Pompeo, Zelensky meet amid Trump impeachment trial

Visiting US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo met Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky here during the former's trip that coincides with an impeachment trial against American President Donald Trump over an alleged pressure campaign against the Ukraini ...

Ukraine Prez rejects PM's resignation offer - Hindi News | Ukraine Prez rejects PM's resignation offer | Latest international News at

International :Ukraine Prez rejects PM's resignation offer

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has rejected a resignation offer by Prime Minister Oleksiy Honcharuk over a leaked audiotape scandal, a media report said on Saturday. ...

Ukraine Prez demands compensation, apologies from Iran for crash - Hindi News | Ukraine Prez demands compensation, apologies from Iran for crash | Latest international News at

International :Ukraine Prez demands compensation, apologies from Iran for crash

Following Iran's admission that it brought down the Kiev-bound airliner earlier this week unintentionally, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Saturday laid down several demands from Tehran, including compensation for the victim's families and ...

Ukraine declares day of mourning for plane crash victims - Hindi News | Ukraine declares day of mourning for plane crash victims | Latest international News at

International :Ukraine declares day of mourning for plane crash victims

Ukraine on Thursday declared a day of national mourning to honour the victims of a plane crash near Iran capital Tehran. ...

WH halted Ukraine aid 91 minutes after Trump-Zelensky call - Hindi News | WH halted Ukraine aid 91 minutes after Trump-Zelensky call | Latest international News at

International :WH halted Ukraine aid 91 minutes after Trump-Zelensky call

Ninety-one minutes after US President Donald Trump called his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky in July this year, a White House official asked that military aid to Kiev be stopped, according to newly released emails. ...

Trump impeachment: 4 witnesses cast doubt on probe request to Ukraine - Hindi News | Trump impeachment: 4 witnesses cast doubt on probe request to Ukraine | Latest international News at

International :Trump impeachment: 4 witnesses cast doubt on probe request to Ukraine

Four key witnesses testifying in the President Donald Trump impeachment inquiry have expressed varying degrees of reservations about him asking Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate the involvement of former Vice President Joe Biden and ...

Nazarbayev calls for meeting between Putin, Zelensky - Hindi News | Nazarbayev calls for meeting between Putin, Zelensky | Latest international News at

International :Nazarbayev calls for meeting between Putin, Zelensky

Former Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev called on Tuesday for a face-to-face meeting between Russia President Vladimir Putin and his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelensky, to discuss a settlement to the conflict in eastern Ukraine, and propo ...

Twitter aims to restrict users, not world leaders like Trump - Hindi News | Twitter aims to restrict users, not world leaders like Trump | Latest technology News at

Technology :Twitter aims to restrict users, not world leaders like Trump

Stating that world leaders are not above its policies "entirely," Twitter has decided to restrict how users can interact with harmful tweets from world leaders who break its rules, but did not clarify whether it will remove or block the world leader ...