
Aktau, News

Aktau, Latest News

Aktau is a city in Kazakhstan, located on the eastern shore of the Caspian Sea. Its current name means "white mountain" in Kazakh, which may be due to its cliffs that overlook the Caspian. From 1964 to 1991, the city was known as Shevchenko.
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Kazakh President pays tribute to memory of people killed in January protests - Hindi News | Kazakh President pays tribute to memory of people killed in January protests | Latest international News at

International :Kazakh President pays tribute to memory of people killed in January protests

Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev took part Sunday in a commemorative ceremony to honor the memory of those killed in the unrest that rocked Kazakhstan in early January, the presidential office said. ...

Kazakhstan fully resumes passenger railway traffic following civil unrest - Hindi News | Kazakhstan fully resumes passenger railway traffic following civil unrest | Latest international News at

International :Kazakhstan fully resumes passenger railway traffic following civil unrest

Kazakhstan has fully resumed the passenger railway traffic which was disrupted by the civil unrest, a correspondent of Sputnik Kazakhstan reported, citing the national railway company of Kazakhstan Temir Zholy (KTZ). ...

Turkish Airlines suspends flights to Kazakhstan until Jan 9: Reports - Hindi News | Turkish Airlines suspends flights to Kazakhstan until Jan 9: Reports | Latest international News at

International :Turkish Airlines suspends flights to Kazakhstan until Jan 9: Reports

Turkish Airlines, Turkey's flagship carrier, has decided to suspend passengers flights to Kazakhstan over the unrest in the Central Asian nation until January 9, media reported. ...

Kazakh President orders state regulation on LNG prices for 6 months - Hindi News | Kazakh President orders state regulation on LNG prices for 6 months | Latest international News at

International :Kazakh President orders state regulation on LNG prices for 6 months

Kazakh President, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev on Wednesday instructed to impose state regulation on prices for liquefied natural gas (LNG) and gasoline for six months, in addition to other measures aimed at stabilizing the situation in the country rocked b ...