
Gilgit-Baltistan Revenue Authority, News

Gilgit-baltistan revenue authority, Latest News

Shopkeepers down shutters in Gilgit Baltistan to protest Pakistan's new tax law - Hindi News | Shopkeepers down shutters in Gilgit Baltistan to protest Pakistan's new tax law | Latest international News at

International :Shopkeepers down shutters in Gilgit Baltistan to protest Pakistan's new tax law

Shopkeepers across the illegally occupied territory of Gilgit Baltistan, who are already struggling with prolonged electricity shortage in the region, observed a shutter-down strike against the imposition of unjust taxes on them by the Pakistani gove ...

Public outrage in Gilgit-Baltistan over Pakistan's new tax law - Hindi News | Public outrage in Gilgit-Baltistan over Pakistan's new tax law | Latest international News at

International :Public outrage in Gilgit-Baltistan over Pakistan's new tax law

Public anger has risen in various parts of Gilgit-Baltistan against a new taxation law passed by the legislative assembly that will affect the common people already struggling with prolonged electricity shortage in the region. ...